Whole house cleaning checklist

Clean countertops and cabinets (start immediately to the right of the stove). Clean the face of household appliances (refrigerator, microwave,.

Whole house cleaning checklist

Clean countertops and cabinets (start immediately to the right of the stove). Clean the face of household appliances (refrigerator, microwave,. Raise your hand if you find that keeping your home clean is totally daunting. Or if you encounter dust, rust or dirt in some places that you completely forget all too often for convenience.

That's why we created this super useful checklist with the Good Housekeeping Institute's Cleaning Lab to help you stay on top of how often you should get your cleaners out and get to work, but there are some exceptions to keep in mind. If you overcome these weekly tasks, not only will your home be cleaner, but your monthly deep cleaning tasks will require significantly less effort. Vacuum the entrance, hallway and stairs. These areas have a lot of foot traffic, so keeping them clean is essential to preserve floors and carpets and prevent dirt from entering the rest of the house.

We offer a variety of cleaning services, including a deep cleaning service to get your home back on track. Thoroughly clean every corner of the toilet. Your toilet should be fairly clean if you've been scrubbing it every week; however, there is one extra step you need to complete monthly. Steam Carpet CleaningIf you've never cleaned carpets with steam, here's a step-by-step guide from wikiHow.

Now that you've identified both cleaning tasks and frequency, it's time to decide how to clean your home. Clean the top of cabinets and refrigeratorWhen it comes to a deep cleaning of your kitchen, it's best to start at the top and go down. First of all, you will need to establish a cleaning routine that indicates exactly what needs to happen for you to have a clean and pleasant home. There is not too much actual cleaning in daily house cleaning tasks except in the kitchen (or if there is a spill emergency).

This printable home cleaning checklist (download as PDF or Excel spreadsheet) is a simple tool designed to keep household chores organized and on track. Clean hard-to-reach places Ask a friend or family member to help you move bulky furniture and appliances, such as the refrigerator and dishwasher, so you can clean behind and under them. Life is so much easier when you clean your house little by little when it comes to these annual items. If you're short on time and need to prioritize, skip these tasks and focus on the daily and weekly parts of the house cleaning checklist.

I created a PDF version that is ready to print out of the box and an Excel spreadsheet version that you can download, edit based on your unique house cleaning needs, and then print. Clean engine oil stains on the floorEngine oil stains are ugly, they smell and, what is worse, they track toxins in your home.

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